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Chester's Oxford Parks Quest - 1 (Blackbird Leys) Multi-Cache

This cache has been archived.

Sir Chester: Time for this one to go [:(], although the cache may be around for a few more days (or even weeks), I shall post a note once it's removed; logs will be accepted whilst the cache is still there.

Many thanks to all who visited, I hope you enjoyed the hunt.

Hidden : 8/17/2005
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

This is a replacement cache for GCJA9F which had been muggled once too often.

Chester has been out on many cache hunts with us and has rather got to enjoy this pastime, so much so that he now recognises our GPSr and gets excited on seeing it. Recently he has been asking if we could help him create some caches of his own, so of course we agreed as he is not too good at this internet thingy (and if the truth be known he is only really any good at three things, walkeeees, spotting squirrels and burying bones, but don't tell him I told you that). He said that he would like them to be located in some of his favourite types of places that his doggie friends would like and suggested that one in each of the Oxford City Parks would be a good place. Foolishly we agreed to this before checking out how many parks Oxford actually has, and to our surprise their is eighteen of them. I hope you all enjoy this series of eighteen caches, and do post some picies for Chester, especially if you have one of his canine friends with you.

Blackbird Leys Park

This is a large park with several football pitches. Near Cuddesdon Way there is a tarmac mini-skate facility with a quarter pipe ramp, rails and box as well as goals for roller hockey. There are two children's play areas, one off Pegasus Road, and the other off Cuddesdon Way.

This may not be one of Oxfords most spectacular (that's a big word for a dog!) parks but it is my favourite as it is close to my home and I have sniffed every little nook and cranny and know it like the back of my paw. I spend a lot of time here so if you do see me please do come and say hello, I may look (and occasionally sound) a bit vicious but I'm really a big softie and just get a bit excited if I see a new friend. Enough about me how about this cache. If you go to the start location you will find some writing followed by the  numbers 129. Convert the letters in this word in the usual way (i.e. A=1, M=3 etc.) and for any two digit numbers just use the second digit, the answer will be in the format ABCDEF. Now transpose  the numbers into the final location below and you should be able to sniff  the cache out without too much problem, mind that no muggles see you though.

N51 43.A(B-D)(E+A)  W001 11.(A+C)E(F-D)

Chester has hidden a Bone'us cache full of special doggy treats for all those cacher's who have managed to complete his COPQ series. To find this cache you will need to collect the letters on the lids or log sheet of all the COPQ caches, and use them to work out the start location for Chester's Bone'us. Be warned, you will have to go for Chester's favourite type of walkieeees to complete it; a long one.

The cache contains a log sheet and pen and no room for swaps, it has a screw lid with tamper evident seal which the FTF will have to break.

View the handicap ratings for GCQ686                                                              G:UK cache rating

As my employer has decided that it would be a good idea to move the whole organisation to Bristol, the Phillimore's (Mad H@ter and Muddy Legs) will be moving on to pastures new and some fresh caches. Unfortunately this will mean that it will become difficult for us to maintain our Oxfordshire caches, so we will therefore be gradually archiving the majority of them. We shall start our program of collecting the caches and archiving them in the new year, but as we have one or two caches out there this will not be a five minute program! If you would particularly like to find this cache before it is archived please get in touch and we will try and hold off archiving it.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Orgjrra gur gehaxf bs n guerr gehax gerr.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)