"You're not in Kansas anymore, Judy!!!" Event Cache
Gadget Girl: Sorry, I forgot to archive this one!
Great event!
"You're not in Kansas anymore, Judy!!!"
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Size:  (not chosen)
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Central Texas never needs a reason to get together for a party, but
when one of "OURS" comes home for a visit, we just simply can't
This is an event cache/ travel bug swap/ planning meeting. Please
join us at the new Freebirds at Congress and Riverside on
Wednesday, AUGUST 17th, 2005 at 7:00pm for dinner, conversation,
catching up, swapping TB's, planning and or strategy's for the next
TEXAS CHALLENGE (which we happen to be hosting), and any other
geocaching reason you can think of!!!!! We will even pass on some
info about the upcoming Geo-Woodstock that Dallas is hosting next
year! If you are a new geocacher in the Central Texas area, you do
not want to miss this event! Come meet your new family!!!! love,
The Gadgets
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)