A river view in Riverview Traditional Cache
A river view in Riverview
Size:  (small)
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There are several ways to access this cache. Please respect the
residential areas and stay off private property. Park on Patricia
Drive near the vacant lot, walk across the lot towards the cache
and you can pick a path almost directly to the cache. Enjoy the
panoramic view. Lots of Canada geese stay here during their
migrations, and during the summer. The cache is a small camouflaged
container. It's not the easiest retrieval, but it is "Zonker hide
Additional Hints
Gur uneq cneg vf svaqvat n jnl qbja. Bapr lbh'er gurer, ybbx ng gur onfr bs gur ovt fcehpr gerr haqre fbzr ebpxf.