When I placed my Beasts of The Maze Castle cache series last summer, there was a complaint from one of the first finders: why are they themed upon Yu Yu Hakusho and not upon Mononoke Hime? As I didn't find any good excuse, I had to place this cache.
The original idea was a nightcache, but during the placement I decided to make it a regular multi. If you are comfortable with walking in woods after dark, you can still make a night hike for additional effects - preferably on a clear moonlit night so you don't miss all the views.
There are 3 micro stages, in each of which you get two digits of the final cache coords. The final cache is a black painted ammo box.
Watching Mononoke Hime is not required to find the cache (but I recommend it anyway, it is a good anime movie).
Puvodne planovano jako nocni cache, behem umistovani zmeneno na obycejnou multi. Tri prvni faze jsou microcache, v kazde z nich najdete dve cislice do souradnic zaverecne cache (cerny ammobox).
#1 Irontown View
N 50° 44.851' E 14° 13.751'
Although Decin is becoming a nice town lately, there is still some heavy industry. You can see the town from the lookout tower nearby.
#2 The Ape Tribe
N 50° 44.041' E 14° 14.614'
"... every night we are planting the trees and the humans are cutting them down...."
#3 Ototo's Lair
N 50° 42.827' E 14° 13.165'
Lord Ototo was not at home when I placed the micro, but take care. Mother of many Kodamas is there as well.
#4 The Nightwalker
N 50° 42.ABC' E 14° 12.DEF'
There is even a small muddy pool down the trail, but the cache is not in it.
Enjoy the hike, watch out for Ototo's boars and samurai thugs on motorbikes, in summer also for ticks. Let Kodamas (the tree spirits) show you the way!