At the Pier Webcam Cache
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01/20/10 NOTE: Although the clock on the web cam report the time as being 2 + hours earlier, I beleive the picture is real time. Use the cam to take your picture.
The picture MUST be of the cacher claiming the find. Others will be deleted. Take your ear-muffs. The sea lions are noisy!
A major tourist attraction in San Francisco. You can move the camera around to get pictures of you at various locations in the immediate area and zoom in close enough to really see yourself.
Go earlier in the day to get a good picture because as the sun progresses west, the quality of the picture deteriorates.
Bring the kids, there’s a double-decker carousel nearby. Bring money and credit cards as there are numerous interesting shops nearby. Take time to have a wonderful meal at one of the nearby restaurants. There’s much to do in the area, including other caches.
Free parking in the area is limited and not too near. There is a parking garage nearby, but it's expensive. What’s a tourist area without that?
Another problem is that you need to have a friend “capture” your picture on the computer so that you can claim this prize. They need to go to Sea Lion’s Webcam to do that for you. The cam updates constantly. Go during daylight hours. Although the camera is working 24/7, there is not enough light to get a recognizable picture after dark.
It can also be difficult to get a recognizable picture of you in a crowd. If you can't get there when you'll be alone, hold your GPSr where it can be clearly seen.
Enjoy yourself in the area!
If the camera is not working the moment you are there, please come back later when it is working. Cell phone selfies will not be accepted.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)