Boot Ranch C & D Traditional Cache
Burgi Dad: Too many people not being responsible enough to replace this one properly. No more.
Burgi Dad
Size:  (micro)
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This is a quick C&D (cache & dash) for your enjoyment. It is the second of a series. We boosted the difficulty rating because of the type of camouflaged micro we used. If you've found our others, you know what to seek.
*** Adopted on 11/6/05 by Yuzawa Kat & Burgi Dad *** Posted updated coords for your GXing pleasure. Thanks go to MakesMoreCents for posting the lovely background picture. Thanks to ePeterso2 for adding to his GXing dialogue 12/27/06. Have a blessed day. Happy caching ~~ YK & BD PLENTY OF PARKING.... NO BUSHWHACKING IS NEEDED... This container, once you locate it, must be opened by unscrewing it apart (don't pull it apart). ***** INITIALS ONLY IN THE LOG, PLEASE, TO CONSERVE SPACE. ***** Be sure to return the log as compactly as you found it; if you have trouble getting the log out, a straightened paperclip or the nail file portion of a nail clipper work well to get it started. BE SURE TO PUT THE CACHE BACK IN THE EXACT PLACE YOU FOUND IT. Based on the surface the cache is attached to, you may have trouble getting your GPSr to settle quickly. B.Y.O.P.
Additional Hints
Qba'g tvir lbhefrys gur obbg ba guvf bar. Vg'f n fubr-va bapr lbh xabj jurer gb ybbx.