Over the River and through the Woods Traditional Cache
offline.cacher: No cache, no owner, archiving.
Over the River and through the Woods
Size:  (regular)
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Excellent day trip from the Washington, D.C. area.
Cache is in a green ammo container and contains a logbook and pencil, travel bug, sealed deck of cards by Norman Rockwell, braclet, handmade heart ornament, patriotic button, and a Minnie Mouse figure. Travel by canoe (or raft or kayak) is required. If you don't have a canoe, you might try the folks at www.shenandoah.cc
Additional Hints
[#1]Furanaqbnu Evire Gevcf gevc guerr
[#2]Jvgu gur evire ng lbhe onpx, jnyx 100 cnprf vagb gur jbbqf.
[#3]Jura pyvssf ner nurnq, ybbx sbe pyhr #2 ba lbhe yrsg.