Split Rock Pine Traditional Cache
Size:  (regular)
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This cache is in the Trinity Alps...from the trailhead, it's a
distance of about 3 miles, ending at one of the prettiest lakes
you'll ever see.
Take Highway 3 to Callahan, then turn onto the Cecilville
Road...pass over summit and turn left into Carters
Meadows-Horsecamp and continue until you reach Trail Gulch
Trailhead. It's brisk 90 minute hike from the trailhead to Trail
Gulch Lake. The cache is BEFORE the lake, which is only a few
minutes further, and is well worth having a look-see. (Note...as
you near the lake, the well-worn path forks...stay to the RIGHT.)
Cache was replaced on 7-15-2011 (thank you Dustydew), it is now a
good old fashioned ammo can and contains many treasures.
Additional Hints
Ynetr juvgr fcyvg ebpx jvgu n cvar gerr tebjvat bhg bs vg