Takze ty chces najst piratsky poklad? Si velmi odvazny,
plavcik! Nie je to take jednoduche ako si myslis. Poklad je skryty
na piratskom ostrove uprostred mora. Budes potrebovat dobru lod a
znalost navigacie. Navyse na ostrove strazi duch stareho pirata
Jacka. Stale si trufas? Tak vela stastia, budes ho
Ako ste sa uz dovtipili, cache sa nachadza na ostrove a pri jej
najdeni budete pravdepodobne potrebovat specialne vybavenie. Po jej
najdeni sa mozete prijemne osviezit v skvelych namornickych
putykach na obidvoch morskych brehoch.
Spolu s piratom Vam zelame vela stastia a dobry vietor do
plachiet – a pozor na Jacka!
Saman & Petulka
Well, you
wanna find the Pirate´s Treasure? You are very courageous,
sea-boy! It´s not so easy as you think. It´s hidden on
the Pirate´s Island in the middle of the sea. You will need a
good ship and the knowledge of navigation. And the island is
guarded by the ghost of old pirate Jack. Are you sure you wanna try
it? So good luck, you will need it!!!
As you figured out, the cache is hidden on the island and you
will probably need the special equipment to find it. After your
find you can relax at the great sailor´s pubs at both
Together with pirate we wish you good luck – and watch out
the Jack!
Saman & Petulka