The above mentioned coordinates will bring you to the entrance of the shopping centre. Come in and switch off your GPS.
The cache is located at the coordinates:
N 50° 04. Cinema City + Yves Rocher + North Face – Temple Group
E 014° 23. Costa Cofee + Orsay + Zara + McDonald´s + SCANquilt + Kiehl´s + Sephora
It is not the only way, but when you finish the shopping, you will maybe need to wrap up your purchase. Find the special spot there (it is just one), afterward turn back, go straight and pass the door. You can switch on your GPS now and find the cache.
The cache container contains only the logbook. After you sign the logbook, put everything back to its original state, please. The cache is in busy location, you will probably need to wait for the right moment to get the cache.
The shopping centre is open everyday between 9 a.m.-9. p.m.
I wish you a nice geoshopping 
Uvedene suradnice vas zavedu pred vchod do Shopping centra. Vstupte a vypnite svoju GPS.
Cache sa nachadza na suradniciach:
N 50° 04. Cinema City + Yves Rocher + North Face – Temple Group
E 014° 23. Costa Cofee + Orsay + Zara + McDonald´s + SCANquilt + Kiehl´s + Sephora
Nie je to jedina cesta, ale ak nakupite a budete si chciet svoj nakup zabalit ako darcek, otocte sa potom chrbtom k baliacemu pultu a chodte chodbou rovno. Prejdite dverami, zapnite si GPS a mozete sa vydat hladat cache.
Cache obsahuje iba logbook. Po zapisani prosim vratte cache do povodneho stavu. V blizkosti cache sa mozu pohybovat ludia, musite preto byt trpezlivi a vystriehnut ten spravny moment.
Shopping centrum je otvorene kazdy den medzi 9-21 hod. Prijemny geoshopping 