Over the Dam and Through the Woods Traditional Cache
Over the Dam and Through the Woods
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This cache is located in Riverview Park in Platte City, MO. Park hours are from 8 a.m. until dark. 90% Of the route is on a trail that is about 5" wide. The last 70' is through the brush and cannot be accessed by a wheelchair. The cache is a small ammo can with red writing.
This park is one of the herd's favorite places to go. The park has a great playground, soccer field, basketball court, fishing pond, bathroom with plumbing, natural trails, wildlife and various other things to do. Thanks to Platte City Parks and Recreation Board for a great plan and taking care of the citizens. You may need a map to find this park since you have to go through a neighborhood to get there. Access this cache from the south since a river obstructs the north. 10/30/2006 - A cacher posted the following parking/access suggestion: We approached from the South East, and the road to the park was blocked off. We didn't know there was a road to the north that went down to the soccer fields, until after we found the cache. Be sure and drive North through the neighborhood, until you find that road, if the other road is blocked off. Enjoy the park! Remember to cache in and trash out. ** NOTE NOTE NOTE ** The pen in the cache has moved on to a new home. Until I can get up there and replace it - or somebody else leaves one - you'll need to bring your own writing instrument to sign the log.
Additional Hints
Fgbarf xrrc zr qel naq funqr zr sebz gur fha