Peaceful Easy Feeling[north] Traditional Cache
Peaceful Easy Feeling[north]
Size:  (regular)
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difficulty is for tree cover.
This cache is hidden in the Bakers Meadow area. Parking coords are N42 39.340 W071 09.739. Very limited parking on the side of the road. there is additional parking at the end of Reservation rd. also on the side of the road. This trail starts off on a boardwalk then crosses a rolling meadow and ends up on another boardwalk. The walking is very easy, The cache is hidden very close to the end of the boardwalk. Cache is a plastic ammo can. So bring items to trade. This is a favorite area of ours hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Also help us keep to it nice. Thanks and "Keep on Caching"
Additional Hints
Haqre gur snyyvat bar whfg orybj guerr gerrf bagb bar.