The Wickiup Traditional Cache
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A challenging cache in San Rafael
I don't want to understate this. This is not an easy cache to get
to. The ground is loose and sliding is the major problem. The are
no cliffs to fall off of, but you could slide quite a ways if you
lost your grip.
The Wickiup is a well known landmark in San Rafael. Wickiup is an
Indian name and you can decide for yourself what it means after
seeing it.
It is also the name of the topo quad map for that area so I am
posting a log at
To get to the Wickiup, take exit #131 off I-70. You will see it
north of the freeway. There is an ATV road that will take you to
within .25 miles of the cache. Then it is all uphill from there. I
found going up easier than coming down. There was not suitable
place for the cache right on the very top so I placed it on a ledge
on the east side.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)