Spirit Lodge Traditional Cache
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At the mouth of Halle Ravine lies a small hillock, a spiritual dwelling place for the ones who were here before us.
The quest begins on Trinity Pass Road (41 13.011' 73 33.748'). As you walk in through the sheltering hemlocks, follow the waters down and listen for the voices of the children in the laughing waters. The people are gone now, but their memory still lingers in this small island of stillness. If you open your ears you may hear the faint chanting and beating of drums as you approach the mound where the village stood, the holy man still tries to drive out the terrible spotted sickness the strangers have brought to this land.
A medicine votive has been placed at the sacred spot, small trinkets to make the ghosts of the children smile one more time. Meditate on these vanished people and leave your small offering to soothe their progress through the shadow land.
Additional Hints
Vg yvrf uvqqra orarngu zbff pbirerq ebpxf.