Frying Pan Traditional Cache
Size: (large)
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The cache is in Chichester State Forest near Dungog. There are
several tracks in the area and most are worth the time for a short
walk, but be ready for some water, mud, ticks leeches etc.
depending on conditions. The actual location is hard to find due to
the leaf litter, tree cover and poor GPS signal. I hope you enjoy
the experience.
My GPS Stash is in the Chichester State Forest between Dungog (in
the Hunter Valley) and Gloucester (West of Taree on the Mid North
Coast). I've called it Frying Pan because that's where we camp and
how I accessed the location. There are several other camping areas
in the vicinity with running water in the creek and bush(pit)
toilets. If you'd like to make this an overnight stop, it a good
place, has plenty of firewood (although you may have to collect it
yourself) and costs nothing, but facilities are limited.
The position was averaged for 5 minutes, and should be fairly
accurate, but the bucket is buried and covered with leaf litter so
will be difficult to see.
If you have difficulty finding it, there's more information
below, but I have made sure others in the area are unlikely to
stumble on it.
Additional Hints
Nf n onfr lbh fubhyq cnex arne gur fgneg bs gur Ceboyrz
Perrx Jnyxvat Genvy. Ubjrire gb nibvq bguref nppvqragnyyl svaqvat vg V unir abg npghnyyl cynprq vg ba gung genvy. Ybbx pnershyyl naq lbh'yy svaq gur evtug bar.
Gur fgnfu vgfrys vf ba gur yrsg unaq fvqr bs gur genpx nf lbh jnyx hcuvyy.