Lookout rock Traditional Cache
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Adventure for all awaits those who search for this cache! Waterfalls, stream crossings, bouldering, and incredible vistas are to be enjoyed on this trail. This fantastic hike is one of our favorite Fontana lake trails. The ascent is nearly 970 ft. in about 1.5 miles, but the stunning vistas are a well deserved reward.
The custom made cache container is a white PVC container approx. one foot long. It features neat goodies including Flashlight, Pocket fan, Swiss army knife, Floating key chain, Electronic mosquito repeller, Match box, Gator helmet antenna cap, Biner, and Sun block stick. Please feel free to take your picture with the camera we have included but please remember to leave it there. Please also hide the cache well to keep it from being found by non-cachers.
Please cache-in and trash-out.
Additional Hints
Qba'g qenj svefg oybbq...jnyx hc gur fgernz nobhg gra lneqf naq gnxr n yrsg jurer gur genvy pbagvahrf.
Jura lbh ner fvggvat ba ybbxbhg ebpx gnxr n ornevat bs rvtugl guerr qrterrf sbe nccebk. rvtugl svir srrg naq gurer lbh jvyy svaq gur pnpur.