Sister Cities Virtual Cache
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A fun virtual for the cacher who likes to travel.
Welcome to Los Angeles . . . now go travel!
The coordinates of this virtual cache will take you to a spot across the street from Los Angeles' famed City Hall where you will find a sign post indicating the approximate direction and distance to L.A.'s twenty sister cities.
To successfully complete this cache you must complete each of the following tasks:
1. Visit the sign post in Downtown Los Angeles.
2. Take your picture in front of the sign. Be sure your GPS is visible in the photo.
3. Go to a prominent landmark in one of Los Angeles' sister cities (e.g. famous tourist locations, airports, train stations, etc.). Be sure that your photo spot proves that you were in the sister city. Be sure your GPS is visible in the photo.
4. Post your log on this page. Be sure to include both photos and the coordinates of the place you took your photo. Tell us a little about your trip to this foreign land! If possible, include hotel, restaurant or tourist site recommendation in the sister city for future cachers.
An unlimited number of cachers may visit the same sister city, but you must include a photo from a different spot than another cacher.
Have fun, safe travels, and godspeed!
For information on Los Angeles' 20 Sister Cities, go to:
(visit link)
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)