The coordinates atop this page are not for the cache; they are for a very nice climbing tree approximately .13 mile from the cache. In order to increase the challenge just a little, I'm providing the actual coordinates for the cache to only two decimal places.
The cache is located at:
N 40 53.45
W 74 07.82
Part of the challenge is figuring out "how to get there from here." The only hint I will provide is that I parked to the east of the cache site. Doing so will provide you with an easy, pleasant hike to the coordinates atop this page. The round trip should be less than 3/4 mile.
Although the terrain is basically flat, this cache is unsuitable (too difficult) for young children. Long sleeves and long pants are highly recommended.
Once you have found the cache, please take care to rehide the cache to match its rating and remove any evidence of your search.
Please, preserve the experience (and any potential challenge) for the next cacher by not including any spoilers or hints in your logs. Any log containing text or photos that I consider hints or spoilers will be deleted without notification.
Good luck and have fun!