My old Tree Hugger cache is back in action. And this time, it's there to STAY!
Last time, I think one of the local kids removed the cache. This time, it's locked to the tree.
Please use your best judgement before attempting this cache. If at any point you feel like you can not reach it, then stop. I don't want anyone getting hurt!
With Tree Hugger 1, cachers were asked to place the cache higher than they found it. Well, since this one is locked to the tree, that's going to be kinda hard to do. So, if you would like to move it up, I'm asking you to email me (link on profile) so I can give you the combo to the lock. Please don't share it with anyone 
The cache container is divided into two sections. One contains all the regular cache stuff. The other is filled with a ton of tiny treasures.
Note: Please only log this as a find if you actually get to the cache and sign the logbook. If you get there and decide to not climb the tree, please log it as either a 'not found' or 'note'. Thanks for understanding...
Also... Parking will be an issue. If you can't find a place, use the hint.
Have fun... Don't get hurt... And don't drop your GPS! 