The fifth of our Birds on the Edge geocaches. One is near each school that took part in the project. Pupils from the nearby school learned about the Turtle Doves, Redstarts, Song thrushes and Yellowhammers. They discovered how we've lost almost all our UK visiting Turtle Doves and how the other bird species have been declining since the 1960's. They also learned how to help, by setting up feeding stations, planting wildflower meadows and leaving space for nature. They monitored the visiting birds, looking out for our 4 key species and sent their data off to the Outdoor Learning Team at The National Park. Over 3 year we were able to compare bird populations and foster an interest of wildlife in the next generation.
This small cache originally housed a special trackable Birds on the Edge geocoin with a mission to return to the Turtle Doves overwintering grounds in Mali, Africa. Why not leave a bird themed item in our cache?