London Calling on Tour visits GCHQ at Seattle!
Meet the host from England at Solstice Plaza - 12.30pm to 1.30pm, Friday, September 20, 2024
Every cacher's visit to Seattle is not complete without a tour at GCHQ! London cacher, goldpot, will be in Seattle for a few days while in transit from Hawaii to London. Meet in the public square on the ramp of Solstice Plaza for a chat about all things Geocaching and feel free to exchange Trackables too.
The London Calling 2025 Committee members are on tour. After the success of the tour around the world in the run-up to LC23, we're doing it again - this time in advance of our Block Party, London Calling 2025. We look forward to seeing lots cachers, and maybe a lackey or two here, as we travel across the country and the world! If you're considering attending our London Block Party, please take a look at the listing here: GCAK7KC