Placed for the 2024 MWGB
The Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne save Princess Peach at Castle Tintagel
Yep, it's another night cache in the haunted woods, where the swamps hold the secrets of the Knights of the Roundtable, the Paladins of Charlemagne, the Nocturnal Unicorns, and the Pink Flamingos. And maybe a stray Killer Klown or two.
This night cache is not for the faint of heart. Zoe and Daisy recommend that you proceed with extreme caution. Watch out for trip hazards, thorns, skeeters, ticks, vines, poisonous plant life, and poisonous wildlife...and maybe more...
Geo-pups Zoe and Daisy were sniffing along the trail as it was getting dark, and they thought they heard the distant mumbles of knights gathering for a staff meeting with King Arthur at the Castle Tintagel. Then they decided maybe it was the distant sounds of Kid Charlemagne by Steely Dan, or maybe it was Hal from Malcom in the Middle who was Kid Charlemagne the DJ on his pirate radio station during his college days. Then Daisy thought she saw a Dancing Unicorn, not to be confused with a Prancing Unicorn. Needless to say, she remembered the stories she heard from Cheech about nocturnal unicorns, and she remembered parts of what happens to puppies in the woods at night and brown european sparrows flying with migrating coconuts and a Holy Grail...mixed up a bit with killer flamingos and a black knight, but in any case she decided that Nocturnal Unicorns were very very bad to find in the woods in the darkness.
This time the trail loosely follows the path left by Daisy as she ran from the dreaded Nocturnal Unicorns that occasionally haunt her dreams at night. However, part of the trail also follows the path taken by Zoe, who isn't afraid of unicorns, but is absolutely terrified of knights in armor, so she ran from the sounds too, but not always on the same path as Daisy.
There may be places that the trail splits, but all trails will go to the Castle Tintagel where the final awaits under the watchful eye of a flamingo. Speaking of flamingos, Zoe and Daisy reached an agreement with a flock of flamingos to protect thier caches from the Nocturnal Unicorns, so you may see some flamingos protecting the trails and some other Z&D caches in the woods. There may also be some Unicorn carnage if they ventured too close to the flamingos.
As always with a one-way night cache, you may want to turn on breadcrumbs or other tracking methods to find your way back, or just Slagle your way to the starting coords while calculating the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow carrying a coconut.
On a side note, it is said that as Merlin stepped down from the era of King Arthur, he then helped the Twelve Paladin of Charlemagne, who was also known as Charles the Great. Say hi if you see Merlin the Wizard in the woods.
This night cache was placed over numerous days and nights using methods learned from Handyman. To the best of our knowledge, no unicorns, flamingos, or clowns were injured during the placing of this cache. What may have happened after the cache placement is unknown at this time.