Date: Sunday, May 19
Time: 7:30-9 pm
Location: EAA 32 Building at St Charles Smartt Field
Easy parking, family event and lots of airplane watching!
It took 20 years, but I am FINALLY finding my 10,000th cache and I want to celebrate in high-flying style! If that is not enough of a reason to celebrate, I am retiring from teaching after 26 years in a middle school classroom. So let's hold one special event to celebrate my 10,000th cache and my retirement! As part of the lead-up to the event, I am offering free airplane rides in my Cessna 172 to all cachers--given available time slots and favorable weather on the day. Of course, you do not need to schedule an airplane ride to attend the event. The event is just a reason for geocachers to get together, talk about geocaching and maybe airplanes, and in general just have a good time with each other. To me, the best way to celebrate both my 10,000th cache and my teaching retirement is just to give people a chance to get together and socialize! Come help me celebrate!
With the permission of EAA 32, we will take over the EAA 32 Aviation Resource Center at Smartt Field so this FREE celebration event can happen rain or shine. Of course, the airplane rides depend on favorable weather. If weather and other factors are favorable, the airplane rides will take place before the event from 3-7 pm. Make a day of it! There will be no food, no drinks, or anything else for sale. This is just a meet and greet event. Bring your own drinks, other snacks and folding chairs!
Please contact BlueBeadMan if you are interested in an airplane ride that day. The chart below shows the available airplane ride time slots. While the airplane will technically hold 4 people (3 passengers and 1 pilot), weight and balance restrictions means that the passengers need to be very small to legally fly four people. Because of those restrictions, I plan to fly only two people at a time. The length of the flight will last about 30 minutes and will most likely offer aerial views of the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. Depending on the winds and rider preference, we may fly towards Alton or over Pere Marquette State Park in Illinois. If needed, I will create a waiting list once the sign up list shown below is full so contact me quickly to reserve your spot soon!
Please send me a message quick and check your messages if you want one of these flight times. THANKS!!!
Airplane Rides Sign-Up List |
Flight Departure Time |
Geocaching Name of Rider |
3:00 pm |
3:45 pm |
4:30 pm
5:15 pm
Curious GEOrge3 |
Vorlon40 |
6:00 pm |
DrPengper |
DrPenger (2) |
6:45 pm
Strider |
Crowesfeat30 |