finally, I posted a series is west Springfield. If you want details on the series, check description of any of the caches in the series other than this one. Been planning series since this cache has been posted 6 months ago.
The GCCCT means: Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail. This cache is along that trail.
The cache is a 40ozPlastic Jar covered in gray duct tape. May not be aviable in the case of snow. Heavily used trail so be aware of muggles.
You do not need your own pencil/pen but bringing your own is still highly recommended. From the short hike trailhead, the hill is pretty steep, the long hike is flatter.
This is my first cache. It is a travel bug hotel you can stop by if you're in Daventry. Park along hunter village drive
Thanks to the Fairfax County Park Authority for granting permission to place a cache here. Please follow the FCPA guideline that night caching is prohibited
Congratulations to Charter Member: CherokeeThree for the fast FTF