February 29 is a leap day, an intercalary date added periodically to create leap years in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It is the 60th day of a the year in both calendars, and 306 days remain until the end of the current year. It is also the last day of meteorological winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the last day of meteorological summer in the Southern Hemisphere in leap years.
In the Gregorian calendar, February 29 is added in each year that is an integer multiple of four (except for years evenly divisible by 100, but not by 400). The Julian calendar — since 1923 a liturgical calendar — has a February 29 every fourth year without exception. (Consequently, February 29 in the Julian calendar, since 1900, falls 13 days later than February 29 in the Gregorian, until the year 2100.)
February 29 is a South Korean film and 29 Februari, is a Malaysian film
Copper, an transition metal and is the 29 element on the periodic table
29 Amphitrite is an asteroid in the asteroid belt
29 is the tenth prime number, and the fifth primorial prime.
29 forms a twin prime pair with thirty-one, which is also a primorial prime, it is also the sixth Sophie Germain prime.
29 is the sum of three consecutive squares, 22 + 32 + 42.
29 is a Lucas prime, a Pell prime, and a tetranacci number.
29 is an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part and real part of the form 3n − 1. 29 is also the 10th supersingular prime.
None of the first 29 natural numbers have more than two different prime factors. This is the longest such consecutive sequence.
29 is a Markov number, appearing in the solutions to x2 + y2 + z2 = 3xyz: {2, 5, 29}, {2, 29, 169}, {5, 29, 433}, {29, 169, 14701}, etc.
29 is a Perrin number, preceded in the sequence by 12, 17, 22.
29 is the smallest positive whole number that cannot be made from the numbers {1, 2, 3, 4}, using each exactly once and using only addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
29 is the number of pentacubes if reflections are considered distinct.
The 29th dimension is the highest dimension for compact hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes that are bounded by a fundamental polyhedron, and the highest dimension that holds arithmetic discrete groups of reflections with noncompact unbounded fundamental polyhedra. To calculate this use: 5JHBB AE509
County Route CR29 runs 2.69 miles from Monmouth Blvd (CR33) in Oceanport to Ocean Ave in Long Branch. CR29-A runs from Port-au-Peck Ave to Monmouth Blvd via Myrtle Ave
NJ State Highway, Route 29 runs 34.76 mi from an interchange with Interstate 295 in Hamilton Township (Mercer Co) to Route 12 (Bridge Street / Race Street) in Frenchtown (Hunterdon Co).
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