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Katsejänesed 2024 Event Cache

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-laur-: Tehtud

Hidden : Saturday, August 17, 2024
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Geocache Description:

17 August 2024, 13:00 - 23:45


2017. aasta geojaanipäeval toimus lisaks Katsejäneste eri. Sündmuse käigus vajasid katsejäneseid paljud peitjad, kes tahtsid testida oma aardeid enne avaldamist või lihtsalt teha selliseid aardeid, mida reeglite või muu põhjuse tõttu ei saa avaldada ja pole võibolla soovi loodusesse panna. See aasta teeme sellest täiesti eraldi sündmuse. Aarded saavad seal olema ajutiselt ja avatud ainult sündmuse ajal. Veebis neid logida ei saa. Mingitele reeglitele need ei pea vastama, ainus nõue on, et oleksid meeldejäävad! :)

Plaan, selleks sündmuseks on ammu olnud, kuid sobivat kohta pole õnnestunud leidnud. Nüüd aga võtab meid suurima rõõmuga taas vastu Kruusa talu pere, kus eelmisel aastal toimus geojaan. Soovijatel on ruumi telkida, kindlasti saab õhul ronida nii tünni kui sauna. Sarnaselt eelmisele aastale ei soovita meilt renti koha eest, kuid niisama teisi ära kasutada ei tundu hea, niiet kogume ikka loomade toetuseks raha, et talvehein taas muretumalt kätte tuleks.

Sündmus algab kell 13:00 ja kestab päeva lõpuni. Otsimine tuleb sarnane eelmise korraga, et ühe aarde juurde läheb üks seltskond ja see saab taas olema tähistatud arvatavasti tahvlitega. Täpsemad reeglid kindlasti hiljem. Palun andke osalemise plaanist teada, siis oskame arvestada palju rahvast tuleb.

Ja nüüd trummipõrin - seekord vajavad katsejäneseid: armastan, catiberg, jokker6, laur, motma, phantom, taxu, ja wingman. *

*Nimekiri pole lukus ja võib ette tulla muudatusi. Kui on keegi, kes sooviks samuti liituda ja midagi katsetada, siis andke julgelt teada.



On Geomidsummer day 2017, there was also a Guinea Pig special. During the event, guinea pigs were needed by many hiders who wanted to test their caches before release, or simply make caches that cannot be released due to rules or other reasons and perhaps do not want to release them into the wild. This year we will make it a completely separate event. Caches will be there temporarily and only open during the event. You cannot log them online. They don't have to meet any rules, the only requirement is that they be memorable! :)

There has been a plan for this event for a long time, but we have not been able to find a suitable place. But now we are welcomed again with the greatest joy by the family of the Kruusa farm, where last year the Geomidsummer was held. There is room for those who wish to camp, and you can enjoy the sauna. Similar to last year, they don't want rent from us, but it doesn't seem good to take advantage of others, so we are still collecting money to support the animals, so that the winter hay can be picked up again without worries.

Event starts at 13:00. The search will be similar to the last time, that one group will go to one cache and it will be marked again, presumably with boards. More detailed rules later. I just wanted to get the event up quickly, as the summer is short, so everyone who wants to join, can count on the date. Please let us know about your participation plan, then we can calculate how many people will come.

And now the drum roll - this time guinea pigs are need for: armastan, catiberg, jokker6, laur, motma, phantom, taxu, ja wingman. *

*The list is not locked and may change. If there is anyone who would also like to join and try something out, please feel free to let me know.


Additional Hints (No hints available.)