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その歌が 「東風吹かば 匂ひおこせよ 梅の花 あるじなしとて 春な忘れそ」です。
****** English ******
This is a Virtual cache.This cache have NOT physical container in listed coordinates!!
[ Found requirements of this cache ]
① Visit the " Tobiume " at the public coordinates.
② Take a photo of yourself in front of Tobiume (face is not required) and upload it as an attachment to the found log.
③ If you do not attach a photo that the owner deems appropriate, the FOUND LOG will be deleted automatically.
◇ The tobiume or "flying plum," standing to the right of the honden, is the most famous of Dazaifu Tenmangu’s 6,000 plum trees.
◇ Sugawara loved plum trees from childhood, and before he left Kyoto for exile in Dazaifu, he wrote a tribute to his favorite plum tree in a poem, including the lines, "Never forget the spring" and "Even though your master is no longer here." "Whenever the east wind blows, my dear plum blossoms remember spring, even if your master won’t be here."
◇ According to legend, the plum tree could not bear to be separated from him, so it uprooted itself from the garden and flew to Dazaifu to be with Sugawara.
Virtual Rewards 4.0 - 2024-2025
This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between January 17, 2024 and January 17, 2025. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards 4.0 on the Geocaching Blog.