Join us to help thin the woodlands.

Getting here:
Montford Mews, Hazlemere, HP15 7FR
Meet us on site at 10:00 - we will meet on Montford Mews by the vehicle gate. Free parking is available. The nearest postcode is HP15 7FR. Please park considerately.
Please can we ask everyone to arrive on time to ensure you do not miss the health & safety and task briefing. If you are late and the session has already started, you may not be able to join. Thank you.
You don't need to print off your Eventbrite ticket!
Lead Ranger: Izzy Bassick Mobile: 07778 696289
Important! In order to track numbers please also register for this session via Eventbrite. If you are booking for more than one person please make sure you book one ticket for each person to ensure we bring enough tools for everyone.
The task:
Join ranger Izzy at AXA Kingswood to let more light into the woodland by thinning the trees and removing excess vegetation. We may also need help with litter picking so plenty of tasks for everyone.
What to bring:
Please bring your gloves (we will have spares) and dress for the weather and the task - long trousers are advisable as there is thorny vegetation. Please bring a bottle of water.
We will bring a tea kit and biscuits.
Volunteering and COVID:
Please do not attend sessions if you have tested positive for COVID or if you have COVID symptoms e.g. a new continuous cough, a high temperature, a loss of, or change in your normal sense of taste or smell.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to discuss anything further.