Cache is not at the posted coordinates, you must solve the puzzle below to get the true coordinates.
"Jinkies!" Team-Gates exclaims. "We have another mystery cache we need to solve!"
"Zoinks!" Howl's gsix5666.
"Rut Row" paldog0603 mumbles.
"Something about this place gives me the heebie jeebies, there must be some clues around here somewhere!?" Team-Gates hysterically mutters.
"I think I found a clue! To get on the right track for North, there is a list of three 'things' to help: Football Game, Poker Game, & Pig Float", Ramblin' Rumble excitedly yells.
"I also found another clue! To reveal the West, there is a list of three 'things' to help: Dog Taste Testing, An Unfortunate Spill, & Dancing ", BWY Gang reveals.