Wednesday 20th December 2023
1800 - 2200

The Black Horse
High Street
BN14 0SX
mattd2k welcomes you to the 172nd Monthly Mid-Week Meet in Sussex.
I have booked the Skittle Alley again for this year's Christmas Meet. We will play a similar 'Killer' format as this worked well and got everyone involved! This year's prize is another rare South East UK Mega 2024 Event Winner Geocoin. Don't worry, if you haven't played Skittles since last year's event, I haven't either!
It is free to attend this event, but as there is a cost associated with hiring the venue there will be a small entry fee of £5 for those wishing to join in the tournament. Please indicate in your Will Attend log if you would like to play Skittles. Any money made over the cost of hiring it will be donated to the funds for the South East UK Mega 2024.
Food is available, the Menu can be viewed by clicking the link, there are also Basket Meals available. The Christmas Menu may not be available without pre-ordering. Please would indicate on your "Will Attend" log whether you intend to eat, so that I can give the pub a rough idea of numbers.
The Monthly Mid-Week Meet in Sussex has been running for some time now. These events are open to all Cachers from near and far. New Cachers are always welcome. It's a great chance to put faces to names. If you need help with a hard to find cache, a technical problem or an unfathomable puzzle, there will almost certainly be someone who will be able to help you. So please don't be shy. Come along and introduce yourself.
The events are scheduled to take place on the third Wednesday every month at different locations across Sussex. Each event is hosted by a different Cacher or caching team.
Anyone who feels the urge to host one, please contact Tootsie's Trackers via his profile.
As the geocache owner, I ensure that some of these links are to a local geocaching group that is active in the community and contributing to geocaching in positive ways. This link has not been checked by Geocaching HQ or by the reviewer.