November 28 we celebrate Red Planet Day! A day where us Earthlings recognize the planet which has captivated human observers for countless years, Mars. It's the 4th planet from the sun, it's red, and it's 237.77 million miles away. One thing that TV and science fiction books have been telling us for years is that planet is full of evil Martians who are planning to invade Earth!
Before we get invaded you should come hang out with your geofriends one last time at Third Base Pizza and Custard and share a pie. You don't have to purchase any food or drinks to attend, but I will.
About this Passing Time series of events:
Have you ever felt like all you do is sit around waiting for your kids to get out of one practice or another? Remember that feeling of being constantly stuck wasting precious time that could be spent more productively otherwise? Sneaky_Molly is now taking night a 2 hour Tuesday night Art class. So since I can't hang out there, and since I don’t have enough time to go home and get anything done, I am going to host a geocaching event.
The Heart of the idea of having these events was for me to reach out to as many new venues as I could and see if I could get permission to host a geocaching event. So join me on my quest to try different things and keep it fresh.