Join us for GIFF 2023 - Geocaching International Film Festival, co-hosted by tdschmidt and Wisconsin Geocaching Association.
Help us celebrate 10 years of GIFF Events! This is a two hour event to watch the 2023 Geocaching International Film Festival finalists (listed below) and earn the GIFF 2023 souvenir. There will be some time to mingle starting at 5:30 PM, approximatly 1 hour compilation of 18 short films starting at 6:00 PM and finishing up at 7:30 PM. (The library closes at 8:00 PM.)
Please log a "Will Attend" with number of people attending, so enough chairs are set up.
Snack friendly room, non-alcoholic beverages only please.
Water and popcorn will be provided.

The Geocaching International Film Festival 2023 finalists have been chosen! These films stand out above the rest for their creativity, production quality, content, and contribution to the global community of geocachers.
Let’s give a huge round of applause to the following films and directors: