European Quiz (12) 🇪🇺 Mystery Cache
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European Quiz (12)
Diese Serie zeigt einige Facts zur Europäischen Union.
Finde die passende Antwort und Du hast die richtigen Koordinaten .
Der Cache liegt nicht an den Listing-Koordinaten.
Bürens Partnerstadt im Baltikum liegt in?
1) Litauen (N 51 32.571 E 008 31.817)
2) Lettland (N 51 32.481 E 008 32.652)
3) Estland (N 51 32.772 E 008 32.408)
This series shows some facts about the European Union.
Find the right answer and you have the right coordinates .
The cache is not at the listing coordinates.
Büren's partner city in the Baltic States is located in?
1) Lithuania (N 51 32.571 E 008 31.817)
2) Latvia (N 51 32.481 E 008 32.652)
3) Estonia (N 51 32.772 E 008 32.408)
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