Come Geocache on the 100th Meridian!!
I don't think today is the EXACT day Cozad was started (some say it wasn't even in the year 1873), but this is the year we're celebrating it! Oh, yeah, it's also INTERNATIONAL GEOCACHING DAY!!

Part of the celebration includes the 100th Meridian, which is an important part of Cozad's history, as well as the nation's! There are three caches in town concerning the 100th Meridian, and this event is at THE 100TH MERIDIAN MUSEUM! Other geocaches are right nearby, so come check us out!
I will be waiting for you right inside the museum. The Museum will be open from 9 a.m. until ?? and we will have coffee and doughnuts available (until they run out, so get here early!)
Also you can check out all the information I can find about Geocaching and the 100th Meridian, including maps, books, and videos!
Other information about the museum can be found here:
Facebook page for the event: