Welcometh to CARW2023.
to beginneth this task thee might not but beginneth at the post'd co'rdinates.
h're thee shall findeth a medieval w'rd.
counteth how many lett'rs art in this w'rd and useth t to findeth the final location by removing the amount from the lasteth digit of n 53. 46. 458 and adding t to the lasteth digit of w113 50. 251
wend f'rth and collecteth thy treasures.
bringeth thy owneth writing utensil.
useth stealth and returneth as thee findeth t
1. This cache has been placed for the CARW event with the intention that it not be located prior to 09:00 hours Saturday March 4, 2023.
2. Should you hunt and find this cache before the event start, it will not count for the event, and FTF points are only valid as of 09:00 hours March 5 th.