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OKP30 - OKROGLO KROŽNA POT Traditional Cache

Hidden : 4/24/2022
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

OKP - Okroglo krožna pot

Okroglo krožna pot je pot, ki se nahaja v gozdu blizu mesta Kranj. Začetek poti se nahaja pri koči LD Udinboršt, kjer je tudi dovolj prostora za parkiranje več avtomobilov. Med iskanjem, bodite pozorni na črke, ki vam bodo pomagale najti BONUS zakladek.

Pot je večinoma ravninska in je primerna tudi za vožnjo s kolesom. Med OKP14 in OKP16 se ta malo spuča in dviga, vendar se ob sestopu s kolesa da iti naprej. Sicer ni markirana, vendar menim, da to ne bo predstavljalo težav, saj poteka po manjših stezicah in po gozdnih poteh. V mokrem in deževnem vremenu je lahko spolzka.


Na poti je zaklad postavljen pri spominski plošči Stanetu Žagarju in tovarišem, kjer je možno pogledati v njihovo skrivališče (vendar pa je za to potrebno iti po vseh štirih).

Pot se nato obrne in poteka po grebenu, pod katerim se razprostira pogled na reko Savo. Ta pelje tudi mimo "žegnanega studenčka", ki stoji na betonskem podstavku Pelnarjeve koče, katerega so iz prvotne lokacije na to mesto pripeljali s konji člani Konjeniškega društva Naklo. Nekaj o samem Jožu Poharju – Savskemu Pelnarju, si lahko preberete na samem mestu.


Vsem obiskovalcem želim srečno in varno pot med iskanjem mojih prvih postavljenih zakladkov.


OKP – Okroglo krožna pot

Okroglo krožna pot is a path located in the forest near the town of Kranj. The beginning of the trail is located at the hut of LD Udinboršt, where is also enough space for parking several cars. While searching, pay attention to the letters that will help you find the BONUS.
The path is mostly flat and is also suitable for cycling. Between OKP14 and OKP16, it lowers and rises a bit, but you can go on when getting off the bike. It is not marked, but I don't think it will be a problem, because it runs along smaller paths and forest paths. It can be slippery in wet and rainy weather.
On the way, the treasure is placed at the memorial plaque to Stane Žagar and his comrades, where it is possible to look into their hiding place (but it is necessary to go after all four).
The path then turns and runs along the ridge, under which there is a view of the Sava River. This also leads past the "blessed spring", which stands on the concrete base of Pelnar's hut, which was brought to this place from the original location with horses by members of the equestrian society
Naklo. You can read something about Jože Pohar - Savski Pelnar on the spot.

I wish all visitors a happy and safe journey while searching for my first set caches.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Fxnyn / ebpx

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)