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CITO Season 2 Cache In Trash Out® Event

This cache has been archived.

9 Usual Suspects: Thank you everyone for all your hard work, again we are amazed by the amount of litter collected and where does all the cable keep coming from? I think we will be back here again and tackle the area we didn't cover this time. Thanks again.

Hidden : Saturday, November 13, 2021
1 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   other (other)

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Geocache Description:

13 November 2021, 11:00 - 13:00

Another CITO Event meeting at the old bridge, Morfa Parc, Caernarfon, on Saturday 13th November at 11am. Please arrive promptly to ensure you attend the safety briefing. The event will last for 2 hours finishing at 1pm.

Morfa Common Parc and River Seiont

Morfa Common Park, in Caernarfon, is a public park laid out during the 19th century close to the Caernarfon Union Workhouse. It is arranged around an artificial lake, filled by diverting water from the nearby River Seiont. Around the edges of this are plantings of groups of trees with evergreen shrubberies, and there are various walks around the lake and the lawned areas to the south-east of it, which once had flower-beds. 

To the north-east the land slopes steeply upwards, and here there are further plantings of trees and some more open areas, with higher-level walks giving views down towards the lake. The park has been maintained in such a way that the original views and vistas are preserved. 

There is a drinking fountain of unusual design, and hints of various other features which were once present - the base of a small building, a level area where there may have been a summerhouse or bandstand, enclosures where birds or small animals may have been kept. There are still large numbers of ducks on the lake and the park is still open to the public. Apart from the addition of a childrens play area and the odd new seat very little has changed since 1889.

The River Seiont rises in Llanberis as an outflow for Llyn Padarn, and travels just over 20 kilometers out into the Menai Straits at Caernarfon. It is a picturesque river with runs of very stiff rapids at certain points making it popular for its kayaking and fishing. 

Litter Pick

Our task for the day will be to pick up as much litter as possible starting from the the bridge and around the park then following the River Seiont towards Lon Eifion.

Gwynedd Council Tidy Towns Scheme will be supplying litter pickers, hi-vis vests, bags and but please bring your own gloves. 

As with any Geocaching activity you carry out this event within your own capabilities and at your own risk.

We will be observing all current Covid restrictions.

We would like to thank Gwynedd Council for their support and loan of equipment.

Digwyddiad CITO arall i'w gyfarfod ar yr hen bont, Parc Morfa, Caernarfon, ar Ddydd Sadwrn 13ain Tachwedd am 11yb.  Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn cyrraedd ar amser i fynychu'r sesiwn briffio diogelwch. Mi fydd y digwyddiad yn para 2 awr a gorffen am 1y.h.

Parc Comin Morfa a'r afon Seiont

Parc cyhoeddus y Gaernarfon ydy Parc Comin Morfa, gafodd ei greu yn ystod y 19eg Ganrif yn agos i wyrcws yr Undeb Caernarfon. Mae wedi'u osod o gwmpas llyn artiffisial, a lenwyd gan ddargyfeirio dŵr o'r afon Seiont gerllaw. O gwmpas y lle mae yna goed a llwyni bytholwyrdd, gydag amryw o lwybrau cerdded a darnau o lawnt i'r de ddwyrain ohono.  

I'r gogledd ddwyrain, mae'r tir yn mynd yn serth i fyny, ac mae yna fwy o goed a lle agored, gyda mwy o lwybrau sy'n edrych i lawr ar y llyn. Mae'r parc wedi cael ei gynnal fel bod y golygfeydd gwreiddiol wedi'u gadw. . 

Mae yna ffynnon ddŵr anghyffredin, ac awgrymiadau o amryw o nodweddion eraill a oedd yn bresennol yn y gorffennol - gwaelod adeilad bach, ardal fflat lle efallai roedd yna dy haf neu fand stand, lle'r oedd adeg neu anifeiliaid bach yn cael ei gadw. Mae yna dal nifer o hwyaid ar y llyn, ac mae'r parc dal yn agored i'r cyhoedd. Ar wahân ychwanegu lle chwarae i blant a sedd anghyffredin, does dim llawer wedi newid ers 1889.

Mae'r afon Seiont yn dechrau yn Llanberis fel all-lif o Lyn Padarn, ac mae'n teithio dros 20 cilomedr i'r Afon Menai yng Nghaernarfon. Oherwydd ei llif sydyn mewn mannau, mae'n boblogaidd iawn gan caiacwyr a physgotwyr. 

Codi Sbwriel

Ein tasg am y dydd fydd codi gymaint o sbwriel ac sydd bosib, gan gychwyn ar y bont, a dilyn ochr y parc a dilyn yr afon Seiont tuag at Lon Eifion. 

Mae cynllun Trefi Twt Cyngor Gwynedd yn darparu litter pickers ond cofiwch ddod a'ch menig eich hun.

Fel bob gweithgaredd geocaching, byddwch yn mynychu ac yn gweithredu i'ch galluoedd a'ch risg eich hun.

Hoffwn ddiolch i Gyngor Gwynedd am ei gefnogaeth a benthyg offer.



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