Official Stuff
This cache was placed with explicit permission of the property owner. This cache is available 24/7. Please watch for muggles when making the hunt!
This Challenge Cache
This cache is a "Bee" level challenge and should be attainable by most cachers.
This cache IS at the posted coordinates! This is a challenge cache. You may sign the log at any time, but you must meet the requirements of this challenge to log as a "Find."
To meet the requirements of this challenge, you must find a cache in 10 differrent counties!
You can use the checker from Project-GC to verify that you qualify for this cache.

About the JCCS Series
The Jackson County Challenge Series (JCCS) is a group of caches designed to motivate you to explore different parts of geocaching! They are all "Challenge" caches, which means they are at the posted coordinates, but you will have to meet some requirements to qualify (see the "What is a Challenge Cache" section below for more information).
All caches are clearly labeled preform containers. Please make sure to close completely when replacing.
This series is divided into three "levels". They are:
- Bee: These are basic challenges that most geocachers will qualify for!
- Chicken: These will take a bit more work. The challenges are harder and may take some time and dedication to complete!
- Heifer: Do you consider yourself a hardcore geocacher? Then these challenges are for you!! These challenges are difficult and may require some significant planning to achieve!
Please note: some of these will be challenging terrains! They are not all simple "Park & Grabs"!
We hope you enjoy working toward these challenge requirements!
What is a Challenge Cache?
If you're newer to geocaching, you might wonder, "What the heck is a Challenge Cache??"
A "Challenge Cache" is a special type of mystery/unknown cache. In addition to finding the cache and signing the log, there are also some requirements that must be met in order to claim the cache as a find. These requirements are unique for each challenge and should be described in the cache description.
Challenge caches have some features that help define them. These include:
- The cache type is always Unknown/Mystery
- The cache is AT the posted coordinates or the actual coordinates are a visible waypoint**
- The cache has the word "Challenge" in the title somewhere**
- There is a project-GC challenge checker available so you can easily determine if you qualify for the challenge**
**Note: these are requirements for all challenge caches hidden after April 21, 2015. There are some older challenge caches that may be grandfathered and do not meet these criteria...