ISQ Franklin Grove Cemetery
The Franklin Grove Cemetery is located near the northwest corner of Franklin Grove, which is in Lee County, Illinois and just south of the
historic Lincoln Highway aka Illinois Route 38.
The history of Franklin Grove goes all the way back to June of 1835 when Col. Nathan Whitney rode through the present site of Franklin Grove. In July of 1835, the first pioneers settled in the Grove. They were Jeptha Condit Noe and Cummings McWorter Noe and their families. Both families later moved to Ogle County, but the first log cabin remained for years as a cherished landmark.
In 1851, the first survey for a railroad was made through the area. Later, a second survey was made putting the railroad through land owned by Christian Lahman, Adrastas W. Tolman, John Dement, and Thomas D. Robertson. A new town was laid out along the developing railroad in 1854 by these four men. It was during this time that John Dixon, a railroad investor, requested that the little station of Chaplin, be named for his infant son. Franklin Grove soon became the new rail stations' name. When the first train steamed through town in December of 1854, going from Chicago to Dixon, Franklin Grove boasted a grain elevator, lumber yard, blacksmith, hotel, shoe store, saloon and several other businesses.
Lee, Ogle and DeKalb Counties had their share of trouble in the early years. Much has been written about the Banditti of the Prairie, a group of loose-knit outlaws known for horse theivery, counterfeit, burgalry and murder. In the early history of the Mississippi Valley, a vigilante group known as the Regulators formed to rid the area of the lawless Banditti. About 8 miles west of Franklin Grove along Route 2 is an Illinois historical marker near where many Regulators captured and tried two members of the lawless Driscoll gang. John and William Driscoll were found guilty by an illegal Regulator court of 500 for murder and were shot to death by a firing squad of 111 men.
This area is also known for their support of the Union Army during the Civil War.
This geocache is hidden in a typical way. It's just hanging around. Please rehide the container as well as possible to limit muggle activity. It is hidden on the perimeter of the cemetery, so it's important that you seek this cache during daylight. Please stay on the paved paths. If someone is paying their respects, please come back at a different time. It is NOT necessary to search near any headstones. Being respectful at all times is important when within the cemetery grounds.