Kanaka Creek Cache Traditional Cache
zon: sorry someone stole the cache
Size:  (regular)
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The cache is a black long container, placed well above the high water mark. If the cache were washed away, the whole road would be flooded.
Kanaka... A Name from the past.
Hawaiian labourers, known as "kanakas" in their native language, were employed on the Hudson Bay Company ships transporting goods to Europe in the late 1800's. On the arrival in the Fraser Valley, many decided to stay and make their homes on the lower portions of this creek, earning it the name "KANAKA CREEK".
The cache is in a place where you will enjoy visiting.
If you follow the trails you will find a bridge over Kanaka Creek. Enjoy!
Additional Hints
Vg znl or pybfre guna lbh guvax. Lbh zvtug or evtug ba gbc bs vg. Yvgrenyyl. Ybbx haqre lbh.