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Staze 41 i 26 - #21 Stabla iznad puta Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Cenarius: Hi GLAVEZZI,

Unfortunately there's been some continuing issues with this cache and there is no reaction from the owner. Since the cache no longer meets the Guidelines requirements, I am archiving it. I'm also archiving it to keep it from continually showing up in search lists, and to prevent it from blocking other cache placements.

If you think you have legitimate reasons for lack of maintenance and want to restore the cache in the near future, please let me know as soon as possible by the email provided in my profile. The message must include the GC code and the name of the cache. If the cache meets the requirements of the Guidelines and the reasons for unarchiving are justified, I may unarchive the cache.

In case of permanent archiving of the cache, the owners are obliged to remove everything that they have placed on the field in relation to the cache (container and all placed waypoints).

Thank you for your understanding and best regards.

Volunteer Reviewer -
Help Center and Guidelines

Hidden : 1/22/2021
2 out of 5
2.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

Staze 41 i 26 - #21 Stabla iznad puta

Trails 41 i 26 - #21 Trees above the road

HR: Planinarska staza 41 vodi od PD "Hunjka" preko proplanka Srnec (pored Horvatovih stuba) i Markovog tratnika do Lugarnice "Oštrica" i dalje sve do Rudnika Zrinski i PD "Grafičar" na drugoj strani Sljemena. Dok su markacije još i zadovoljavajuće, staza 41 je vrlo loše održavana i teško prohodna. Vrlo je uska i ide po kosoj strani sjeverne strane Medvednice. Dužina staze je 9,2 km.

EN: The hiking trail 41 leads from PD "Hunjka" through the clearing Srnec (next to Horvat's stairs) and Markov tratnik to Lugarnica "Oštrica" ​​and further all the way to Rudnik Zrinski and PD "Grafičar" on the other side of Sljeme. While the markings are still satisfactory, trail 41 is very poorly maintained and difficult to pass. It is very narrow and goes along the sloping side of the north side of Medvednica. The length of the trail is 9.2 km.

HR: Planinarska staza 26 ide po vrhu Medvednice od PD Grafičar s jedne strane do PD Hunjka na drugoj strani. Odlično je uređena i prohodna te se uz tu stazu nalaze brojni planinarski, ugostiteljski i gospodarski objekti. Dužina staze je 5.1 km.

EN: The hiking trail 26 goes along the top of Medvednica from PD Grafičar on one side to PD Hunjka on the other side. It is excellently landscaped and passable, and along this trail there are numerous mountaineering, catering and business facilities. The length of the trail is 5.1 km.

HR: Parkirati se možete kod PD Hunjka i ako ste iskusni planinar onda vam neće biti problem spojiti ove dvije staze i pokupiti svih 50 catche-va koji se nalaze na njima. Sretan ulov laugh!

EN: You can park at PD Hunjka and if you are an experienced mountaineer then you will have no problem connecting these two trails and picking up all 50 catches that are on them. Happy catchlaugh!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

h xbevwrah, tber - va gur ebbgf, hc

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)