This geocache is a container that I've been wanting to hide for a long time! It should be fairly easy to find, just as long as you don't go past the fence! Bring your own pen and tweezers to get out the log! The cache is located off the sidewalk next to a well-maintained section of the Snoqualmie Ridge Golf Course, and on the other side of the road, there's the nice little playground Eagle Park. Eagle Park has swings, a playset, benches, picnic tables, and a nice field, so feel free to stop by and just hang out afterward!
At the top of the hill that the cache is on, there's a beautiful view of the mountains and Downtown Snoqualmie. You can even see Mount Si High School, the big orange building, from there! Right below you is the golf course. I chose the name for this cache because it's located where you would hit your golf ball if you made an absolutely terrible shot. Would it still count as a hole in one?