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Math Issue Mystery Cache

Hidden : 12/28/2019
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Geocache Description:

HR - Matematika (grč. mathema - znanost) je egzaktna (točna, nedvojbena) znanost koja proučava aksiomatski definirane apstraktne strukture koristeći matematičku logiku. Matematika izniče gdje god se pojavljuju pitanja vezana za veličinu, strukturu, prostor ili promjenu. U početku se razvijala vezano uz trgovinu i mjerenje zemljišta, kasnije uz astronomiju, a danas uz mnoga područja života.

ENG - Mathematics (Greek Mathematics - Science) is an exact (unambiguous) science that studies axiomatically defined abstract structures using mathematical logic. Math arises wherever questions are about size, structure, space, or change. Initially, mathematics development was related to commerce and land measurement, later on to astronomy, and today to many areas of life.

HR - Matematika se počela razvijati prije više tisuća godina, još u doba starih Egipćana, a kasnije se proširila u Grčku i grčko-rimski svijet, aktivno se razvijala u Kini i Japanu. Ova znanost razvila se iz potrebe da se obavljaju proračuni u trgovini, mjerenja zemljišta i predviđaju astronomski događaji. Fundamentalnu knjigu za razvoj matematike, "Elementi", napisao je grčki matematičar Euklid. Knjiga ima 12 svezaka. To je prva knjiga pisana stilom koji je danas poznat kao (egzaktni) matematički: definicija - aksiom - teorem - dokaz. Tradicionalna matematika više je bila povezana s tehničkim znanostima i fizikom, no suvrmena matematika sastavni je dio ekonomije, medicine, informatike i ostalih znanosti.

ENG - Mathematics began to develop thousands of years ago, back in the time of the ancient Egyptians, and later spread to Greece and the Greco-Roman world, also actively developing in China and Japan. This science has evolved from the need to do calculations in commerce, land measurements and predict astronomical events. The fundamental book for the development of mathematics, "Elements," was written by the Greek mathematician Euclid. The book has 12 volumes. It is the first book written in the style known today as (exact) mathematical: definition - axiom - theorem - proof. Traditional mathematics was more closely related to the technical sciences and physics, but modern mathematics is an integral part of economics, medicine, computer science and other sciences.

HR - Početne koordinate ovog geocache-a nalaze se na lokaciji III. Gimnazije u Osijeku koja je Prirodoslovno-matematičkog smjera. Poznavanje matematičkih znanja i pojmova dobro će doći za rješavanje ove misterije.

ENG - The initial coordinates of this geocache are at location of III. Gymnasium in Osijek, which has a science and mathematics orientation. Mathematical knowledge and concepts will come in handy to solve this mystery.

HR - "Ne brini zbog svojih teškoća s matematikom. Uvjeravam te da su moje i dalje veće od tvojih.“, Einstein

ENG - "Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater than yours.", Einstein

Izvori/Sources: - - math,,,,,,,

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Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Svany fgntr: UE - zntarg, RA - zntargvp

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