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NS81 - T4D4.5 - Target Acquired Mystery Cache

Hidden : 7/11/2019
4.5 out of 5
4 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

The NS81

Welcome to the NS81.  This is not your typical GeoArt. This series will challenge you both mentally and physically.  If you are successful in completing this series you will fill your D/T Chart (aka. Fizzy Challenge) with Mystery caches.  

We recommend you work with a partner or a group to complete this series and never go alone to find the caches.  The cache terrain will be challenging and cell service is limited. Know your limits!

Difficulty: Represents the difficulty of the puzzle and sometimes the hide
Terrain: Represents the actual terrain of cache placement

This cache was placed by Team Super Cool Awesome - orourked, Hirtle, missy7293, Flashjam, GKA655321, JaJaKeIz



You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.

NS Geocaching logo

This cache owner
supports the
Association of Nova Scotia Geocaching

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

rireterra, fznyy pyvzo

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)