SLO: Stara trta
V starem mestnem jedru ob Dravi je prav poseben zaklad, ki ga ne boste našli nikjer na svetu.
Stara trta šteje krepko čez 400 let in je zapisana v Guinnessovo knjigo rekordov kot najstarejša vinorodna trta na svetu. Stara trta je simbol bogate vinske tradicije Maribora.
Žametovka oziroma modra kavčina domuje pred hišo stare trte in je bila zasajena v času, ko so Maribor oblegali Turki. Kljub temu, da je Hiša stare trte bila v tistem času del obzidja, ji srditi boji niso prišli do živega.
Trte niso pokončali niti pogosti požari, ki so konec srednjega veka divjali po Mariboru, zaradi lesenih ostrešij in slamnatih streh. Pokončali je niso niti napadi trsne uši.
Preživela je tudi mnoga bombandiranja zavezniških sil med drugo svetovno vojno.
Leta 1963, ko so na reki Dravi zgradili jez in se je zaradi tega dvignil nivo reke, je to prizadelo koreninski sistem in trta začela postopoma odmirati.
V 70. letih 20. stoletja je bilo staro mestno jedro ob Dravi precej zanemarjen del mesta, kar je še dodatno poslabšalo njeno stanje.
Strokovnjaki Inštituta za kmetijstvo pod vodstvom mag. Toneta Zafošnika, so preprečili odstranitev trte in rušitev hiše. Odstranili so ji mrtve dele in jo s kratko rezjo spet revitalizirali in rešili pred gotovo pogubo.
Hišo stare trte so leta 1982 obnovili in v njej, v njeno čast, vzpostavili muzej. Danes za to unikatno znamenitost skrbi mestni viničar, vsako leto pa v Mariboru tudi poteka festival v njeno čast.
Pogoji za vpis najdbe:
Naredite vsaj eno fotografijo, ki bo izpolnjevala naslednje pogoje:
1. Na fotografiji morate biti vidni vi ali osebni predmet in Stara trta.
2. Fotografija mora vsebovati list papirja z vašim geocaching psevdonimom in datumom vašega obiska. Vsake programske manipulacije fotografije niso sprejemljive.
3. Po vpisu najdbe, najkasneje v dveh dneh (oz. 48 urah) priložite omenjeno fotografijo.
Če vi ali katerikoli član vaše ekipe najdbi ne priloži zahtevane fotografije, bo vaš vpis izbrisan.
Dodatne fotografije so zaželene.
ENG: World's Oldest Vine
The old city center along the Drava river holds a special treasure you won’t find anywhere else in the world.
The oldest vine in the world still grows in front of the Old Vine House. The confirmed age of this “Žametovka” or “Modra Kavčina” vine is well over 400 years, which won it a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest noble vine in the world still bearing grapes. The Old Vine is a symbol of the rich wine culture of Maribor, Styria, and all of Slovenia.
The Old Vine was planted towards the end of the Middle Ages, when Maribor was facing Ottoman invasion. It survived the furious fights between the invaders and the defenders of the city, as the Old Vine House used to be a part of the city wall. The vine was not harmed by the fires then, which occurred frequently due to wooden roof structures and straw coverings, nor by the vine lice that destroyed most of the other vines.
Even though the bombardment of the Allied forces during World War II partly destroyed the Old Vine House, this resilient plant survived unscathed.
However, Old Vine was almost destroyed after the year 1963 when a dam was built on the Drava river, which caused the level of Drava to rise. The rising river level destroyed the long-standing root system balance and Stara trta started to die off.
In the 1970’s the historic city center by the Drava river was a neglected part of the city which worsened the vine’s condition even further.
But the dying old vine was taken under the auspice of experts from the Agricultural Institute led by Tone Zafošnik, MSc, who prevented the removal of the vine and the house from being torn down. They removed the dead parts of the plant and with pruning the vine was revitalized and saved from a certain demise.
In 1982, the Old Vine House was renovated and a museum was established in the honor of the Old Vine. Today, this unique attraction is nursed by the city vinedresser and a festival in its honor is held in Maribor each year.
Logging and photo requirements:
In order to be eligible for a legitimate “found it” log, you need to make at least one photo and fulfil following requirements:
1. Photo must include yourself or personal item and Old Vine.
2. Photo must also include a sheet of paper (or something comparable) with your geocaching alias and the date of your visit. It is not acceptable to include this information by some photo manipulation software.
3. Upload this photo within 2 days (i.e., 48 hours of posting your log).
If you or any member of your team does not upload the required photo, your log entry will be deleted.
Further photos are welcome.
Viri/ References:
Virtual Rewards 2.0 - 2019/2020
This Virtual Cache is part of a limited release of Virtuals created between June 4, 2019 and June 4, 2020. Only 4,000 cache owners were given the opportunity to hide a Virtual Cache. Learn more about Virtual Rewards 2.0 on the Geocaching Blog.