This is a 3-stage multi at a relatively new park in Zionsville. The first two stages are virtual, so you might want to bring pen and paper. The final stage is a small, plastic bottle located several feet off the paved path. Here we go!
At the coordinates for Stage 1 you'll see a source of information. Use this information to find the coordinates for Stage 2, which is at North 39o 58.ABC West 86o 18.DEF.
A = metal shelter recycled content minus 56
B = % of wood safety surface that is NOT made of recycled materials
C = sum of digits in the approximate number of aluminun cans
D = "Prevents pollution..."
E = playground recycled metal content minus playground recycled plastics content
F = "Post-consumer material..."
Now that you're at Stage 2, determine the final's coordinates, at North 39o 58.GHI West 86o 18.JKL.
G = # of maple species present plus 6
H = # of sedge species present minus 1
I = # of Goldenrod species present
J = how many times cheaper an established prairie is to maintain than a traditional lawn
K = # of Blazing Star species present
L = # of Black Eyed Susan species present
Best of luck! Please re-hide the container just as you find it, and be sure to let me know of any problems!
Congratulations to greg_bernath for the FTF!