Come explore Eby's Mill Wildlife Area and locate some Geocaches while you are there. This will be a nice hike through the woods and along the bluff's. Then the fun begins.
Park hours are 4:30 am until 10:30 pm year-round
**Cache at your own risk**
Geocaching, hiking, backpacking and other outdoor activities involve risk to both persons and property. There are many variables including, but not limited to, weather, fitness level, terrain features and outdoor experience, that must be considered prior to seeking a Cache. Be prepared for your journey and be sure to check the current weather and conditions before heading outdoors. Always exercise common sense and caution. **Remember to be good ambassadors to nature. We as geocachers have a responsibility to leave it as we found it, so others may enjoy nature's glory. Always replace the cache the way you found it, so others may enjoy the find.