The cache is NOT located at the posted coordinates.
Trigon Puzzles are logic puzzles that can greatly vary in difficulty, sometimes requiring multiple attempts using some degree of guess work. The diagram is made up of a series of open triangles with a number in the center. That number represents the sum of the digits you are to write into the spaces on the sides of the triangles. Where two triangles share a side, they share the number to be written into that side. All the combinations in this puzzle use only the digits 0 through 6. All the possible combinations for every sum are listed in the chart below, so all you have to do is figure out the correct location for each. The numbers in a combination can go in any order around their triangle, and each combination will be used exactly once.
Pay close attention to the chart since duplicate combinations are included.
Once you've solved the puzzle, then calculate the following quantities:
1000 x Ψ = α x γ x (G - β x ω x δ) + A x (ω + δ) x (δ x F + β)
1000 x Κ = (γ + δ + B) x C x (β + D - E) x (F + β)
To find the final, add Ψ to the posted north coordinates and Κ to the posted west coordinates.