Wizard of Oz- #9 "No Place Like Home" Traditional Cache
Wizard of Oz- #9 "No Place Like Home"
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***The CODE to open the box can be found at Wizard of Oz #6- "Tinman" (GC7ZFY8). Please do not break the lock to enter the box. ***
This cache is part of the Wizard of Oz (movie) series. For full round description, go to Wizard of Oz #1 at GC7ZFVB.
Wizard of Oz- #9 "No Place Like Home"
After defeating the Wicked Witch, they follow the yellow brick road back to the Wizard with the broomstick to prove their worthiness:
They showed care and concern to rescue Dorothy (love),
wearing the guard uniforms to sneak into the castle (intelligence),
and being brave despite danger or feeling afraid (courage).
The Mayor of Emerald City then bestows: a diploma to the Scarecrow, a heart-clock to the Tin Man, and a badge of courage to the Lion.
For Dorothy he offers his hot air balloon from the Nebraska State Fair to fly to Kansas, but when Toto runs away and Dorothy runs after him, the balloon floats away without them!
With hope lost, Glinda appears and reminds Dorothy she has had the power within herself all along! She simply needed to tap her heels together 3 times and say, ‘There is no place like home’ and the magic shoes would do the rest!
Dorothy replies to Glinda, “I think that if I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own backyard.”

Prizes for the lucky first 12 finders:
-9 souvenir pins from the official movie.
-3 Wizard of Oz sticker books for kinder.
-Jewelry from the Emerald City.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Abschluss der Runde! Für alle, die möchten, wird der Zauberer ein "Geschenk der Wertstellung" für Ihre Reise auf der gelben Ziegelsteinstraße bereit halten! Kopiert einfach den Code und fügt ihn auf eurer Geocaching-Profilseite ein.
Congratulations on completing the round! For any who would like, the Wizard will give to you also a "gift of worthiness" for your journey down the Yellow Brick Road! Simply copy and paste this code onto your geocaching profile page.
<a href="https://coord.info/GC7ZFVB" title="WOz badge (Horizontal)">
<img src="https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1969/30637181387_8f0853cbcc_n.jpg" width="320" height="145" alt="WOz badge (Horizontal)"> </a>

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