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Kalvarija / Calvary Traditional Cache

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Superlegende: Might be back after we return home.

Hidden : 7/5/2018
2.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:




Smlednik z okolico je resnim geolovcem znan po GG zakladih, pri katerih si navadni smrtniki skoraj zanesljivo polomimo zobe.

Vendar pa Smlednik tudi za ostale skriva veliko zanimivosti. Člani študijskega krožka Spoznajmo dediščino Smlednika so pripravili zanimiv sprehod po Smledniku in Valburgi, ki je služil kot osnova za postavitev petih zakladov: dveh večstopenjskih in treh enostopenjskih. Opisi znamenitosti so povzeti z dovoljenjem članov krožka (hvala, babi!).

Svetujemo, da zaklade obiščete popoldne in se proti večeru povzpnete še na Stari grad, od koder boste lahko opazovali čudovit sončni zahod nad Sorškim poljem. V vseh zakladih so podatki za bonus, ki bi vam lahko še koristili, ko se bo zvečerilo.


Beseda Kalvarija je v prvotnem pomenu besede pomenila grič Golgota (latinsko Kalvarija, slovensko Lobanja), kjer so križali Jezusa Kristusa. Poleg tega beseda kalvarija označuje splošni izraz za hudo trpljenje. V Sloveniji je Kalvarija pogosto geografsko ime in označuje manjši grič, kjer so postavljene postaje križevega pota.

Ob vznožju starega gradu v Smledniku  je Kalvarija s štirinajstimi baročno rokokojskimi kapelicami križevega pota in tremi križi na vrhu. Je svojevrstna arhitekturna posebnost. Zgraditi jo je dal smledniški graščak baron Franc Smledniški leta 1772 v osi, oziroma ravni črti, ki povezuje Stari grad in Krvavo znamenje, kapelico v spomin na deželnoknežje morišče na polju pod podružnično cerkvijo v Valburgi. Da je lahko uresničil svojo zamisel o postavitvi Kalvarije v ravni črti, je svoje zemljišče zamenjal s sosednjim zemljiščem bližnjega kmeta svobodnjaka Jakoba Jeraja. O tem priča tudi pogodba, ena izmed prvih v slovenskem jeziku.

Kalvarija je bila obnovljena dvakrat in sicer leta 1872 in 1992, obnovitvena dela so bila končana leta 2001.


Smlednik with its surroundings hides a number of interesting sights. Members of the study course “Understanding the Heritage of Smlednik” prepared an interesting walk through Smlednik and Valburga, and we took this walk as a basis for five caches: two multis and three traditional ones. Descriptions of interesting sights are copied with permission of the study course members (thank you, granny!).

Our recommendation would be to visit the short trail in the afternoon and then climb Stari grad in the evening to see a magnificent sunset over Sorško polje (Sora Plain). You will find some bonus information in every cache, and you could maybe put this information to use after it gets dark.


Originally, the word “Calvary” was used to design the Golgotha Hill (“place of the skull” (“calvariae locus”) in Latin, from where the English denomination “calvary” derives) where Jesus Christ was crucified. In addition, the word “calvary” is a general term for great suffering. In Slovenia, “Calvary” is often a geographical term for a small hill with the Stations of the Cross.

In Smlednik, the Calvary begins at the foothill of the Old Castle. It consists of fourteen Baroque (Rococo) chapels depicting the different stations of the cross, and culminates with three crosses on top. It is a unique architectural feature of the village. It was built in accordance with the orders by the lord of the manor of Smlednik, Franc Smledniški, in 1772. Its geographical location is such that it creates a straight line with the Old Castle and the Blood Monument, the chapel standing on the spot of the former princely scaffold under the filial church in Valburga. In order to be able to realise his idea of positioning the Calvary in a straight line, the Baron of Smlednik exchanged his plot of land for the neighbouring one, owned by a local farmer and freeman Jakob Jeraj. One of the first contracts written in Slovenian language constitutes proof of this exchange.

The Calvary was renovated twice, in 1872 and in 1992. The last renovation works were finished in 2001.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

IVV, znyb fv bqqnuav an xybcpv / IVV, trg fbzr erfg ba gur orapu

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)